Jesus told His disciples in Matthew 5:16, “Let your light shine before others.”
However, for people in remote areas of Indonesia, light can be hard to come by.
“On Buru Island, electricity can only be enjoyed in coastal towns,” said Pastor Carolis Tupan.
Thirty-nine-year-old Carolis and his wife live on one of the main islands of the Moluccas Archipelago in Eastern Indonesia. It can only be visited by taking a 12-hour ferry from the city of Ambon.
“But the inland towns have no electricity because the government has not finished the construction,” he continued. “Our home, Ukalahin Village, has no hospital or market. It is only dark at night.”
In addition to a lack of electricity, many of these towns lack sound Scriptural teaching.
“Many people here don’t really understand the Bible,” said Pastor Carolis. “They might believe in Jesus but don’t want to live according to the Christian way.”
This gap in faithful discipleship led Pastor Carolis to create a school in 2012.

Sitting at the top of a hill in Ukalahin Village, Vidi Belkate Alastalah consists of around 40 elementary-to-junior-high-aged children who most likely wouldn’t have access to education in a town consisting of muddy roads and semi-permanent homes with tin roofs.
“The native children of Buru Island are just spectators in their own land,” said Pastor Carolis. “My hope is that a healthy and empowered generation will be born so that they can empower the island to be a blessing to their own people.”
The school is powered by a generator. However, because fuel can only be purchased in a larger city miles away, it’s not run very often.
That’s why Our Daily Bread Ministries (ODBM) connected with Pastor Carolis in 2023 to supply him and his school with Light Kits consisting of solar-powered lights and biblical resources like Our Daily Bread For Kids, comics, and coloring books.
“The parents and children were thrilled beyond belief. The kids read their books at night by the light,” said Pastor Carolis. “Since the children are more diligent in reading the Bible and spiritual books, they’re more polite. They listen more. What we do together is the first seed that will bear much fruit in the future.”
Pastor Carolis teamed up with ODBM to plant more seeds, too, distributing Light Kits in the remote Indonesian villages of Pagarlahin, Ukalahin, Kampung Lama, Modanmohe, and Walafao.
“I want to see as many children as possible come to know the Lord Jesus. If these children know Jesus, they will be able to bless their families and be an example to their parents,” he said. “I hope the cooperation with ODBM doesn’t stop here.”
ODBM doesn’t want this outreach to stop either.
Moving forward, with the help of partners like Pastor Carolis and generous donors, ODBM plans to expand upon the 5,000 Light Kits already distributed to Indonesian families lacking electricity and spiritual guidance.
"I want to see as many children as possible come to know the Lord Jesus. If these children know Jesus, they will be able to bless their families and be an example to their parents."
Pator Carolis Tupan
If you’d like to help us continue to live out Matthew 5:16 and spread the light of Scripture in places like Indonesia, donate here.